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  • Kyle
  • Justin
  • Jimmy
  • Ludwig von Koopa

  • MMWC Staff Bios

  • Jimmy (Picture not yet available)

  • Age: 12
  • Location: California
  • Gender: Male
  • Postion: Ideas and mastermind of this site, the creator
  • Description: 4'11", white skin, perhaps Itlalian, a little bit of freckles, light brown hair, between 80 and 90 Lbs.
  • Biography/talents/interests: I enjoy working on this site, I play Key Board and Harmonica, I really like oldies music, and alot of early 90's and now as well, I'm a movie wiz, I can spot virtually any mistake in most movies, I love Universal Studios (in California of course!) and am a huge fan of movies like Back to The Future 1, 2, and 3, I like the Jaws series also and ET and alot of others too. In my spare time I like to make movies (If Justin's dad ever get's his camera from work) and have been working on a movie called originally called "Mr. Strong and Simon", but we're gonna change it. And that's pretty much it, besides being a huge Mario Fan.

  • Justin

  • Age: 12
  • Location: California
  • Gender: Male
  • Postion: Webmaster, designs stuff, most of the house work...
  • Description: 4'9", white skin, An Armenian (mostly), long dirty blond hair, green eyes, 75 Lbs.
  • Biography/talents/interests: Kyle Thinks I'm the most computer Nerdiest Kid of us all, but I don't think so... I pretty much only think about videogames, I especially like to make comix, but I also have a life too. I'm a pretty good student with so far a 3.0 Grade Point Average, I'm pretty talented, I like to balance stuff, I'm pretty psychotic and do deranged stunts like jumping of roofs, doing flips off really high places (I can do both front and back flips completely landing on my feet) and that's pretty good for stunts if I ever make some kind of cool movie with Jimmy and Kyle. I play a bunch of instruments: Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Piano, Trumpet and Clarinet, I can do weird things, I like to catch Lizards, snakes and stuff. I have 20 pets of various species: 3 beta fishes, 2 pigeons, 3 dogs, a Rosy Boa, a Corn snake, a Pac Man Frog, A tarantula, 3 Western Fence Lizards (AKA, Blue Bellies), an Aligator Lizard, American Banded Gecko, Blue Tailed Skink, and last but not least, on of my favorite, Egyptian Uromastyx. Most of these were caught by me or my dad. and that's pretty much it...


  • Age: 12
  • Location: California
  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Yer Average Comic Maker
  • Description: 4'10", white skin, little bit of freckles, I think my race is some European race that's for sure, black hair, greenish brown eyes, about 100 LBS
  • Biography/talents/interests: I'm now becoming computer nerdie, and taking respect for Justin being computer nerdie. I like to go to Disney land, and Knotts Berry Farm, and most importantly Justin's Dad's Ranch. No... His dad doesn't farm... He has an editing room there, so he like makes movies and stuff (that's how we get the equipment to film) but it's just located in a desert place. It's cool, I catch like lizards, and sometimes, there's other kids my age up there... it's cool. I play video games alot, mostly Play Station 2 and sometimes Game Cube. I like to play Piano and Guitar, I'm smarter than Justin... Well, I got better grades I think... I have all honors classes until recently on March 29, 2002, now I'm not in honors math. Justin got a higher Grade Point Average though... he only gots 1 honors class. I'm the one least making the comic series, because I haven't had the time, and Justin goes berzerk when ever I use his computer, cuz he can't stand being off the computer (HEHEHE)... I like playing football, and I'm cooler than Justin. and that's about it!
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